Apart from capturing a few good photos of snowy landscapes, winter can be a slow time for us at Happy Trails. 2011 seems different. This year we’re using the winter to stock up on Howard’s handmade frames, to set-up our show schedule, improve this web-site and to find alternate outlets for our work… like crafting co-ops, gift stores and the like. Lots of things on the horizon. Am hoping for some ‘news’ I can really talk about in the next week or two. In the meantime, check out our ‘shop’ tab on this site. We’ve switched e-commerce vendors and can now post our entire collection of card and print worthy photos for viewing via the web. Something lots of our customers have been asking for…. I’m so pleased to finally find a vendor who would accept the whole of our collection and still permit order fulfillment to stay with us (I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to my photos)!!! Thanks for hanging with us and stay tuned for more news soon!