Last show in 2011

November 26th, 2011

It’s that time of year again… our last public craft show for 2011 and we’re already working on our schedule for 2012. Stop in and see us at Eastern High School in Voorhees, NJ on Saturday, December 3. And just in case we don’t get to see you there, we’re wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2012 with many thanks for your support of Happy Trails.

Yum… Hot apple cider donuts…….

October 4th, 2011

Here’s the info on our show for this weekend. It’s a favorite of ours.. but I have to be honest, it’s the friggin’ donuts that really takes the prize at this show! Fresh, and hot… tossed in cinnamin and sugar while they are still steaming. Our booth is directly across from the donut cookers and all day long the sweet smell of fresh sweet baked goods! OMG, if you’re in the area and you miss this show, you’re either on a diet or nutty!!!
The Medford Historical Society will hold its 31st Annual Apple Festival at Historic Kirby’s Mill on Saturday, October 8 from 9am-4pm. This fall festival is one of the largest annual festivals in South Jersey and features more than 95 artists and crafters. The 31st Annual Apple Festival will also feature children’s activities, blacksmith and craft demonstrations, an “Apple Bake Off”, a food court, and all things apple including apple butter, apple cider, home-churned apple ice cream, and apple cider doughnuts. Historic Kirby’s Mill is located at 275 Church Road in Medford, New Jersey. Medford is located in southwestern Burlington County, east of Evesham and south of Lumberton. For more information on this annual Burlington County fall festival, visit the Medford Historical Society’s website at or call 609-654-1629.

Cranberry Festival in Bordentown!!!

September 26th, 2011

It’s finally time for Cranberry Festival in Bordentown this weekend and the weather looks to be cooperating.  Come on out and enjoy.. either Saturday or Sunday.  For those of you who want to avoid parking hassles, take the Riverline to the Bordentown station and walk just 2 blocks up into town.  This is their big show for the year and is chock full of interesting crafters and delicious food options.  Hope to see y’all out and about!

Well, that was quick……

September 21st, 2011

The new show we just posted for this coming Saturday, has been canceled due to the expected rain showers. So no Art on the Green in New Castle DE for us! So disappointed!

New Show… new state.. who will come visit us?

September 17th, 2011

So we’re rolling into a new state for a craft show… September 24 we’ll be at Arts on the Green in New Castle Delaware…… now if I can just remember not to charge sales tax, we’ll be all set!!!

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